Visited the Big House on Saturday for our first college football game: Wolverines vs Eastern Michigan. What a spectacle - so over the top. It had all of the hysterically devoted fans and colourful displays of cult-like mass behaviour I was hoping for. The stadium is the largest college stadium in the land and seats 110,000. That's pretty much the population of Ann Arbor.
Like anthropologists on a field trip, we witnessed bizarre rituals by the inhabitants: the kids rattle their keys at certain parts
of the game, they do a "claw" gesture on mass at another juncture, they share a complex language of songs and chants, and abusing the opposition (even their marching band copped it). I've been in sporting crowds in Australia with obnoxiously one-eyed fans before but I've never seen such a homogenous display of team pride and sheeplike adherence to the group behaviour. And I'm not sure how passionate I could be about a game where you know in advance you are going to pulversive the opposition, but the kids loved it! The final scoreline was 55 to 0 and yet the fans were still baying for blood.

The actual game? We left after halftime and the amusing marching band performance (the uni brass band performed a Monty Python and the Holy Grail act - complete with the songs, formations of different shapes on the field - including the monty python foot - and many injokes about opposition teams that had to be explained to us).
I'm also amused to report I have now played Beer Pong at the student house tailgate prior to the game.

After we left the game we adjourned to a bar for much pizza, sangria and beer before Min-Ah, the South Korean Fellow, fell asleep at the table. Stumbled home, crawled into bed at 6pm and awoke 4 hours later feeling dazed and wondering if writing
off an entire Saturday when I am not a sporting fan was such a good idea. But I am glad I went - as ignorant foreigners we had to see all the razzle dazzle once.
1 comment:
The game sounds bizarre beyond belief, but then I've never understood the passions sport inspires. Just don't do the claw gesture at me when you get back, please?
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