Friday, April 20, 2012

You must remember this

As wine lovers, we all have special drops that loom large in our memory. There are the exalted bottles we've sampled - an extravagant purchase perhaps, or a lavish gift - and been blown away by. And there are the bottles we hang on to for years, anticipating the taste before finally opening.

But quite often the wines we enjoyed the most aren't the great, expensive bottles at all. Even a modest bottle of wine sometimes lives on in your memory - not because of its taste but because of the circumstances in which it was drunk.

Bottles with memories attached are more valuable than a Penfolds Grange.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Favourite things, March 2012

  • It's Spring! The scent and sight of cherry blossoms. Cherry green smoothies. Cherry marzipan green tea. Open windows. Warm breeze on your bare arms.
  • Fojol Bros food truck. Each Wednesday the fantastically mustachio-ed, turban-ed chaps pull up at Farragut Square in their silver van and I feast on spicy Ethiopian stews such as beets and greens or beef berbere with a soft slab of injera bread. Alongside the Red Hook Lobster truck, this is the best quick lunch in downtown DC.
  • My yoga teacher trainee sangha. I can't imagine weekends without their constant companionship and stimulation. 
  • Roost blog. Exquisite photography and recipes.
  • Canal House Cooking lunchtime emails. Their cookbooks are outstanding (I have numbers 2 - fall/holidays - and 6 - the grocery store) and their name so evocative of a lovely, homey kitchen with a wood stove and a tree-fringed water view, fueled by the meeting of two creative minds. But I must put in a pitch for their daily emails of what they made for lunch that day, which are a true treat. Voyeurism and inspiration in one dose.
  • Monoi Tiare Tahiti (coconut oil w/ Gardenia). I am seriously craving summer, having gone from one winter into another when we moved to the northern hemisphere in September. When I smell this I am transported home to our front courtyard in Bronte, sea salt in my hair and my skin slicked with coconut oil and the scent of our gardenia hedge in the air, with a glass of rose in my hand.
  • My wonderful yoga students at Whitman Walker Health. Never imagined they would reward me so much
  • Yago Hortal's colour-bomb paintings for some springtime sizzle. 
What brought you moments of bliss in March? Leave your favourites in the comments below.


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